This month in the UK we are commemorating Remembrance Sunday and some of us will be wearing a red poppy to remember our war dead. I thought this might be a good time to focus on how you, our supporters, can leave a gift to Happy Child International by including us in your will.
Over the last 29 years Happy Child International has been able to continue its work through the generous and consistent giving of all its committed supporters. One of the ways our work has been particularly honoured is when a supporter leaves us a gift in their will.
Let me tell you about Eileen. She loved Happy Child’s work and was a great friend to the charity. She regularly attended our local events, always buying a ticket and bringing a friend along or sharing about our work to others.
I remember that she often sent donations in the post to us throughout the year. Eileen was in her eighties when she finally passed away. Eileen did not forget Happy Child International’s important work with vulnerable children and young people in Brazil. In her will she left us a significant gift. We considered it a Major Gift and were enormously grateful that Eileen remembered us and understood that our work always needs funding.
My experience is that our supporters are willing to leave a gift in their will, whether it is a large or small gift. At Happy Child International we understand that sometimes guidance and information about this may be helpful. Please click here and be taken to our legacy website page to find out more about leaving a gift in your will.