On the 17th February I visited two young Mums from the Project Gathering in the Coqueiral Community in Recife, both with very contrasting stories. The project’s vision is to tackle early unplanned pregnancy.
Both the Mum’s in this story have experienced early unplanned pregnancy. In their situation the project has supported them with pre natal acommpaniment to medical appointments, group work to share their experiences, food donations and the provision of baby kits as well as skills training workshops and capacity building so they can aim to set up small businesses.

When we visited the Mums the community had just suffered from flooding so signs of destruction were all around. Houses had been damaged by flood water from the local river overflowing and detris was lieing everywhere in the vicinity.

Our first visit was to 18 year old Thayná, with her 3 year old son Kalebe and 7 month old son Caio. As we arrived Kalebe came running towards us while Caio was asleep in the back bedroom. Thayná was not very well at all and had beens struggling with her health for four days, possibly due to a vírus. Even so she was pleased to receive us. Without any doubt life was a real struggle for this young vulnerable Mum with very little help or support on offer for her.
Her ex husband has contributed nothing financially to Kalebe’s upbringing nor had any contact with the family. Thayná got pregnant again with second child Caio from a one night stand but afterwards the Father denied paternity and abandoned her.
Its a sad story but at this point Thayná heard about Project Gathering and made contact with the team. On a positive note the project has provided her with items for the baby, food and assistance with her pre natal medical checks and most importantly connection and friendship with other Mum’s in a similar situation to her own.
At one of her medical examinations she discovered that she had got syphilis which frightened her alot. The second pregnancy was very difficult and she suffered pain throughout.
Her situation is precarious. From the state she receives R$900.00 a month which is £128.00 a month. With this she pays the rent, electricity and gas and for some food. She lives in a house with very little comfort or adequate structure. For extra income occasionally her Father helps look after the children while she works as a bartender at parties. This work is at night and takes up a lot of energy and impacts on the children’s routine.
Despite these difficulties the project has helped her to consider and execute the implantation of an anti conception chip. This will prevent her from getting pregnant again. The project also continues to empower her to access the care and support she needs as a single mother meaning she can continue to try and look after her 2 children, despite her vulnerability. In the midst of the difficulties and obstacles the project recognizes Thayná’s potential and has offered her the opportunity to set up a small business with a loan. When she can take up this opportunity such an initiative could help her improver her family situation and generate some extra income which she badly needs.

A few metres down the road lives 23 year old young Mum Mariana. She has a two year old daughter called Heloisa who was in creche when we visited. In stark contrast to Thayná this Mum had completed her schooling and wanted to enrol on a Physical Education Course. As she could not reach the university entrance requirements she had to abandon that idea. She had been married to Heloisa’s Father for seven years when she gave birth to her daughter and the pregnancy was unplanned. Once the baby arrived she thought it was too late to return to studying. However through her contact with Project Gathering a new opportunity presented itself. She enrolled on the micro business course offered by the project and was also then selected for the micro credit initiative. Marianna went ahead with the loan which offered a very low interest rate. She was then able to start up her Eyebrow and Waxing studio which enabled her to buy euipment and quality products.
Today Mariana is attending on average 4 or 5 regular clients a week and also manages to do home visits. She has created a little logo for her business, advertises on social media and has taken on board the importance of good communication, all things she learned on the workshops offered by Project Gathering.
She receives R$700 a month from the government which is £100 and has got some financial support from her ex husband (who she says she is no longer with). Her dream is to train further in the beauty industry.
Mariana says she has learned from her past mistakes but is determined to change the narrative of her life so far.
On leaving the Coqueiral community, I reflected on having met Thayná and Mariana. These encounters were a powerful reminder of how challenging life can be for some, but also on how resilience and the right help can transform situations. Unplanned teen age pregnancy is a significant social problem in the Northeast region of Brazil and there are countless other young women facing similar challenges to those of Thayná and Mariana.
Although these are two very different stories and realities they both have one thing in common. Hope for a better future. Project Gathering doesn’t just offer practical support but it also helps these young mums consider new possibilities for themselves and their children.
Thayná’s situation feels tenuous when looking at all the difficulties she faces, but in the project she has found essential support. Mariana, on the other hand has already taken an important step towards improving her situation and starting a business. This has re built her self esteem and confidence challenging her to still consider going to college.
Written by Priscila Assis