Kent Walkers Surrey Walkers
This year Happy Child International hosted not one but two fundraising walks to mobilise action and resources for the charity. Like all non–profits we depend on our generous supporters to continue our vital work supporting vulnerable children and young people in Recife, north east Brazil. Fundraising should be fun! The country walks in Surrey (17th June) and in Kent (1st July) were both very enjoyable and it was a bonus that the weather was just right!
Our annual fundraising walks give us the opportunity to meet with our supporters and share with them in a more personal way. We as a team really enjoy these moments. The most important member of the group is the walk leader, ensuring that no one gets lost or left behind.
This year there were 11 of us on the Surrey walk and we completed 14 miles. We left St Giles Church at 9.30am and only arrived back in Ashtead at 5.30pm. We stopped for lunch at Headley Heath, then made our way back via Epsom Downs and over Epsom Race Course. We stopped at the Rubbing House Pub for a much- needed afternoon drink at about 4pm. Feeling refreshed, we were then able to complete the journey back to Ashtead.
On the Kent walk the weather was equally kind. We followed a marvellous route from Toys Hill around Chartwell and Westerham walking almost 13 miles. The countryside and views were beautiful with shady woods and lovely flora and fauna. We ate lunch in a field just near Westerham and were joined by a curious herd of calves. They were surprised to encounter a random group of walkers in their field. Towards 3.30pm we were able to stop at National Trust Emmetts Gardens and enjoy a well-deserved cup of tea and cake.
Walking is low cost and relatively easy to do. Knowing the route and having a good guide is essential. Walking boosts your mood, exercises your heart, and provides all the benefits of fresh air and a healthy dose of vitamin D. What’s not to enjoy?
This year the funds raised will go towards the Mentoring and Skills Training Project run by our church-based partner Instituto Solidare. It provides vulnerable young people (16-18 year olds) from fragile communities in Recife, north east Brazil, with the vital skills they need to enter the job market. The project is making a life-changing difference to young people by enabling them to look forward to a better future and lift their families out of poverty.
We have been delighted with the generous giving from our supporters who have helped Happy Child International surpass their original £3,500 target to raise almost £4,000 including Gift Aid.
Thank you so much to everyone who took part.
Written by Caroline Taylor